My boyfriend and I will be joining my parents on vacation to Seattle in Sept! (Species in bold are things we may have a good chance of seeing given the timing of our visit.) As it turns out, my parents are interested in birding with us too! I’m not sure how far they’ll want to go, or what our plans will be on any given day, but we’re thinking about renting a separate rental car. Outside the city, in order of distance from our hotel…
- Luther Burbank Park: Bullock’s oriole
- Lake Hills Greenbelt: red-breasted sapsucker
- Totem Lake
- California quail
- black swift
- red-breasted sapsucker
- Marymoor Park (this is the only 1 that has a monthly sightings table, so all listed species are those found in Sept.)
- California quail
- black swift
- red-breasted sapsucker
- California scrub-jay
- Juanita Bay Park: black swift
- Bob Heirman Wildlife Area
- red-breasted sapsucker
- Bullock’s oriole
- Nisqually NWR: red-breasted sapsucker
- Grays Harbor NWR: wandering tattler