We arrived late tonight/early morning at home, where we’re stopping over before making the final leg of the move. So, I compiled a list of species that can be found in my home region (PD) this time of year (L-July)!
- pipevine swallowtail
- spicebush swallowtail
- little yellow
- sleepy orange
- dainty sulphur
- hickory hairstreak: historical records from this region of the state only
- American snout: hackberry (will otherwise most commonly stop for puddles, dogbane, aster)
- Aphrodite fritillary
- gray comma
- southern cloudywing
- confusing cloudywing
- Hayhurst’s scallopwing
- mottled duskywing
- common sootywing
- northern broken-dash
- little glassywing
- broad-winged skipper
- ocola skipper