Last month, a paper came out with several authors from the NRRI looking at how to assess wetland condition in the Great Lakes (Uzarski et al. 2017). It’s in keeping with the papers sent out this week for avian journal club (Chin et al. 2015, Howe et al. 2007). Interestingly, unaffiliated authors in the same journal recently took a look at the same problem with a different lens (Capmourteres & Anand 2016).
Literature Cited
Capmourteres, Virginia, and Madhur Anand. “Assessing ecological integrity: a multi-scale structural and functional approach using structural equation modeling.” Ecological Indicators 71 (2016): 258-269.
Chin, Andrew TM, et al. “Comparing disturbance gradients and bird-based indices of biotic integrity for ranking the ecological integrity of Great Lakes coastal wetlands.” Ecological Indicators 57 (2015): 475-485.
Howe, Robert W., et al. “An index of ecological condition based on bird assemblages in Great Lakes coastal wetlands.” Journal of Great Lakes Research 33 (2007): 93-105.
Uzarski, D.G., Brady, V.J., Cooper, M.J. et al. Wetlands (2017) 37: 15. doi:10.1007/s13157-016-0835-7