Effective “Kickoff” of Butterfly Season!

I mentioned a northern species that emerges early up north, but aside from that, this week really seems to be the first big “push” of butterflies! I made this list of dates from the histograms on Wisconsin Butterflies. I went through every species, and picked its first seasonal “peak,” and then listed it by its […]

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Learning How to Use Containers (Docker)

if I close the terminal window, the connection stays on (i.e. I can still access my local Datalab site via the browser) it doesn’t stay indefinitely (maybe closes when I shut down?) so I can’t perpetually access that site to reconnect after you’ve installed and setup the workspace (from Google instructions)… export GCP_PROJECT_ID=YOUR_PROJECT_ID export CONTAINER_IMAGE_NAME=gcr.io/earthengine-project/datalab-ee:latest […]

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Finally, Another Great Horned Owl Sighting!

I’m thrilled to say we finally saw another great horned owl in my atlas block tonight, about a year since my only other sighting! We staked it out as it was hunting, and we lost it when it flew almost parallel the road toward 11th street. We drove down 11th street hoping to relocate it, […]

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Climate-Induced Phenotypic Mismatch

Will this lingering, late snow make it easier to spot mammals that dramatically molt between seasons? I’ve been seeing posts on the local naturalist groups of molting snowshoe hares and ermine, who are adopting their summer color perhaps too fast for this (very) late spring! For instance, check out this photo posted today to the […]

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Extreme Unseasonable Spring Weather

Yesterday, I tuned into an ultra-conservative Eau Claire radio station with a local host denying climate change. She had on a meteorologist who also didn’t believe in climate change, so I don’t know if this piece was to some degree reactionary or just a coincidence. Anyway, while I’m tempted to rant for myself against this […]

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Travel Delayed by…a Snowstorm?!

Is this really spring…?! Today I was supposed to complete my drive back up north, and am delayed by a snowstorm hitting the entirety of Wisconsin! Could it be climate change? When weather records are broken, you always have to wonder. As a researcher, I’m excited to see what comes next from this groundbreaking study. Roads […]

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