While I still hold out some hope, we’re largely past the key window for detecting great horned owls vocalizing. “In Wisconsin, territorial hooting ends in mid-Feb, in keeping with timing of first eggs laid…” – Birds of North America Across the state, birds are probably on eggs by now and thus less conspicuous. Since this […]
Continue reading..Great Horned Owl “Hooting Season” OverRight now, I’m focused on computational efficiency (and thereby speed) of fitting Bayesian models. For my dissertation I used R-INLA, so in this “lab notebook” of a blog I need to jot down my thoughts around some current methodological hangups. Right now, even though it seems to be the fastest thing available, it’s honestly still […]
Continue reading..Fastest Fitting for Bayesian Models?I was so thrilled to have my 2nd identifiable sighting of an owl that might breed here last night: I saw my 1st ever barred owl in my atlas block! Unfortunately, it was just hunting, so I didn’t have any breeding activity clues. It caught my eye when it flew up to a telephone line, […]
Continue reading..Valentine’s Evening Luck: Barred Owl!Before I forget: sudo apt-get -f install
Continue reading..Linux: Fixing Broken DependenciesToday’s bird of the day is: ring-billed gull! Birds I’ve covered for my twitter game so far are… American black duck mallard herring gull common raven Canada goose common redpoll painted bunting pileated woodpecker wild turkey bald eagle American robin American crow black-capped chickadee
Continue reading..#NameThatBirdSong (Twitter Sci-Comm Game)So I don’t really get spring break anymore, but I’m thinking about heading to the Black Hills Mar. 24-Apr. 1 this year. I want to bee-line to the Badlands (get to Blue Earth, MN Friday night and drive the rest of the way Saturday). I hope to catch some straggling gray-crowned rosy-finches before they’ve left […]
Continue reading..Considering Planning a “Spring Break” TripWhat good fortune that I looked up advances in Bayesian methods the day a new task view was published! If you’re just starting with Bayes, they even have packages listed here designed to help you learn. I’ve been using R-INLA and for a few reasons I became curious what else was out there. I’m still […]
Continue reading..The Latest Bayes in RAt 5:38 PM I spotted an owl flying away from me! I didn’t get binoculars on it in time, and from the angle and distance it would have been hard to ID even if I did. I want to say from size and shape it may have been a great horned owl, but I’m not sure.
Continue reading..A Possible Owl Sighting at Dusk, Finally!We went to Sax-Zim bog this afternoon and found so many spring tails jumping around! I dare use the other common name, because it did make me hopeful for spring. The longer we have warm temperatures, the more bearable this winter becomes. We walked leisurely along the trail behind the visitors center before driving at […]
Continue reading..Warm Temps = Snow Melt = Snow Fleas!Tonight from 5:00-7:30pm I went out to check my atlas block for the 1st time this year! It was a warm, windless evening, but dusk occurs now while after-work traffic is still relatively high. So, some of the spots I surveyed last spring close to the highway were too noisy. I went to Wisconsin Point […]
Continue reading..1st Night of Atlas Surveying for 2018!